24 Desember 2011

I'm short,so what wrongs with you?

Hello humans?:)
Holiday with no vacations is lame.I realized it now.
Yesterday they chat my friends again,oh god,I have no idea about how they can chat my friend but the topics was me.
They say with my friend that there's nothing I can be proud of,and then my friends say that there's many,so she say,you can't say it one by one because what I can be proud was just SHORT AND SMALL.yes,you were right,I'm short:)
But this is what god give for me,I can just accept and thanks for it.
I know you're taller than me,but please,can you give me a little respect?just a little,girl.
I also human,I still have a heart,if you and your bf always come oraound and tease me,do you know if its hurt?
If it's just for one time,I accept it.but,you all do it more than once.
If you all were me,you will know how it make sense,its hurt really.
But after that,you text me and say sorry.
Girl,you've change a rice become a porridge,and even how you do it,it will never turn into a rice again..
Even my parents never say that word to hurt me like you all do.
But I'll forgive you,but you all won't get my respect anymore.
So girl,I hope you'll never saw your face to me anymore,it make my heart broken again.

21 Desember 2011

I wish dream come true♥

Today I have a perfect spirit because of my dream last night people,kekeke!you know what?NICHKHUN COME TO MY DREAMS!
In my dreams,I'm going to a wedding party and he was there,but no one know that he was a artist,so there's only me who notice it,so I ran to the stage and then hug and take a shoot with him.ohmygod,what does this mean?its mean that I'm going to meet him very soon?ohh,how I wishh):
Okay then,just pray and hope here.
Anyway,tommorow is the last day of exam,so after that its holidayyyy!
Okay people,my lovely bed is calling,byee,nighttt!:D

19 Desember 2011

two days lefttt!

annyeongg!:Dhow our days go humann?hope you enjoy yours because enjoy mine,you know what?I'm having exam but days go so relaxing,hihihihi=D
Tommorow is biology exam after that last day its indonesia,yeayyy!
Okay humans,I'm going to take a nap,after that go to tuition to face biologyyyy*straightface*
See you on next post again yaaa!byebye!kisslovehugs;D

17 Desember 2011

un-special saturday.

heyyy!how are you humans?how did your days go?dont tell me that you hangout with friends or having a great dinner with your familys or maybe shopping some cute stuff with your mommy,because you just make me feel envyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!:(
sunday goes so bad,start with the morning wakeup,take a bath,and then face that mathematics,after that watch tv and then take a nap for a while,i'm not allowed by my sister to go to saloon,and then when we are going to have dinner,i thought that it must be a little fun,and then everything change,duaar!the restaurant was full of people,they take the food for so long,and then my mommy get bad mood because of that and don't talk for whole dinner,goddddd,why everything so lame?
tommorow,i'm going to have a morning tuition,gahhhhh,after exam finish i will really enjoy my holiday.
no vacation for this holiday,so i'm going to make cupcakes and cookies laterrrr*thats my plan*
okaythen,theres nothing interesting in this post,just ignore ittt!
i'm out,bye,night:)

14 Desember 2011

2 days report!

Hello,goodmorning everyonee;;)
How's your exam 'sutomonese'?do you do it well?me?yeahh:D
Sorry for not writing because sickness is attacking me,huh,I've been so not well,but yeah,exam is going,so,I must study even though the 98% of me is dead.pity,me.
Well,today is mandarin exam,I think I can do it well,because I've prepared it one month ago because of my weird tuition teacher-_-
Yesterday physics is going well too,thankyou godO:)
Okaythen,I'm at car otw school now,and soon I will arrived at my school,hope you all have a nice day,a great one,and yeah sutomonese,done your test well!:D
I think I've been too talkative,so,I'm leaving now,goodbyee!;D

11 Desember 2011


Hello and good morning everyone!:)
Hows your weekend last night?mine?tiring.I go to three bazaar for one day,but i meet a korean guy who will teach me korean since january later.haha.hes quite nice,and humor too.
Ohya,wednesday is final exam,have you prepared it 'sutomonese'?
I have done my biology and economy but physic and math,I'm not sure-_-    
Okaythen,just wish me luck and all of you too,today is monday,tuition and school is callinggggggggg~      
Wish today was blessed like friday!
Endmypost,goodbye eplibodehhh!\m/

9 Desember 2011

artikel komputer

Keyboard Bertenaga Surya Tren Perangkat Komputer Masa Depan

tren perangkat elektronik ramah lingkungan terlihat semakin jelas.setelah berbagai produk elektronik menggunakan sel surya sebagai sumber energinya,kinio giliran keyboard komputer yang memasang sel-sel surya kecil tersebut untuk menyuplai listrik kedalam baterai di dalamnya.
logitech,perusahaan berbasis di fremont,california,ameria serikat,memproduksi peralatan komputer seperti mouse,keybord,speaker and remote control,belum lama ini memperkenalkan produk keyboard dengan tipe k750 yang mengandalkan sepenuhnya pada energi surya..sepertinya logitech tidaj ingin setengah-0setengah dalam mendisain produk barunya tersebut.agar terkesan lebih ramah lingkungan,logitech menggunqakan sepenuhnya bahan plastik yang bisa didaur ulang.
pada beberapa produk keyboard sebelumnya,logitech sudah mendisainnya sebagai perangkat nirkabel.dengan cara ini saja logitech logitech sudah mengurangi pemakaian kabel komunikasi antara  keyboard dengan komputer.desain yang sama juga diteapkan pada keyboard terbarunya tersebut.
panel surya kecil yang ditempatkan dibagian atas keyboard seharga 80 us dolar tersebut sepenuhnya betanggung jawab untuk mengisi ulang baterai didalamnya.sebuah luxmeter untuk mendeteksi intensitas cahaya yang ada juga menyertai keyboard.cukuip menggunakan cahaya lampu keyboard sudah mengisi ulang,tetapi tentunya akan menberikan hasil yang lebih maksimal jika dipaparkan sinar matahari.inovasi logitech ternyata bukan satu_satunya.
tidak lama setelah logitech mengumumkan prduk keyboard barunya tersebut,sebuah perusahan AU optronics meluncurkan produk keyboardnya sendiri yang juga menggunakan energi surya sebagai sumber dayanya.AU optronicx yang berdiri sejak tahun1996 sudah berpengalaman dalam desain,pengembangan,pabrikasi dan perakitan panelthin film transistorliquid crystal display(TFT-LCD).
tidak jauh berbeda dari k750,keyboard au optronics juga bisa mengiisi ulang  baterainya dengan cahaya lampu disekitarnya.perbedaabn terbesarnya adalah sel surya yang digunakan.
logitech menggunakan sel surya sonk yang dipasang hanya pada bagian tertentu dari keyboard,sedangan AU optronics menggunakan sel surya berbentuk lembaran setebal 2,1 militer yang sensitif terhadap sentuhan dan berfungsi sebagai keyboard itu sendiri.AU optronics sendiri mendisain keyboard tersebuyt untuk laptop.


2 Desember 2011

a disgusting for the lovely one

I have a new spirit for my day nowww!i have forget all of my problems,I'll enjoy my life since today go on.
I have been too tired for facing them who hate me,now i will respect every love that people give,and stop hating people.i don't care what they say,i'm going to just be patient,i believe in karma:)
ohyea,there are still many things you can do than hating people,stop wasting your life happiness,enjoy it.
you can waste your time by making a blog and writing,find a unique pictures fom a old magazines and make it become a scarpbook,or start to learn music,making some cookies,or maybe just reading,babbyyyyy!
there's still many interesting thing you can do than hating other,start to love and respect,life is too short to be wasted.


adalah singkatan dari web log yang sering di artikan banyak orang sebagai buku diary online.namun sebenernanya blog lebih dari sekedar diary dan informasi di dalamnya berisi informasi apa saja,mulai dari catatan harian,menceritakan pengalaman pribadi dan lainnya.blog pertama klai dippopulerkan oleh john barger kelahiran 1953,beliau pertama kali mempostingkan robot wisdom di website pribadinya.
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    proses membuat blog atau mengupdate blog

  • blogger
    seseorang yang melakukan aktivitas blogging
  • blogspher
    kumpulan dari semua blog di seluruh dunia
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    pengunjung atau pembaca blog
  • celeblog
    blog yang banyak menulis tentang kehidupan para selebritis,bintang film,musisi dan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan dunia hiburan.